Product Development
Our Research & Development department performs an essential role in this discipline. Our pharmaceutical products are designed and developed in a systemic manner to achieve the standard quality required for their intended use. Our product development department is equipped with highly skilled employees having pharmaceutical technical expertise & all sort of production machinery for small scale production.

Product Development Approach
Our product development involves the design of a satisfactory product & manufacturing strategies for assuring the steady manufacturing of a required high-quality product
Our comprehensive plan and the proper regulatory and therapeutic knowledge can significantly accelerate the improvement timeline and growth the probability of marketing achievement, especially for new products.
Business Development
Saffron’s (BD Dept.), is the driving force for initiating & generating Novel & Innovative Business Opportunities for ethical sales & marketing leads with competitive market edges in domestic & international scenario. The core responsibility of (BD Dept.) is to identify Novel & Innovative molecules to be the 1st Mover in Domestic Market, Launch of New Products to Prospective Markets & Clients, Maintaining Good Working Relationships with New/ Old Business Contacts, Overseeing & Reviewing the latest advancements in Pharmaceuticals & Medical / Surgical with Artificial & Analytical Intelligence (A&AI) based reports to ensure overall Corporate’s Business & Developments……..While Exploring, Identifying & Facilitating New Joint Ventures, Toll Manufacturing to Prospective Markets &Internal / External Clients.